课程名称(英文) 课程代码 班课
aeronautical and aerospace engineering meng, beng
航空航天工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h410 beng: h415 查看详情
architectural engineering meng, beng
建筑工程meng, beng
meng, beng: hk21 beng: hk26 查看详情
architecture meng, beng
建筑meng, beng
k1h2 查看详情
automotive engineering meng, beng
汽车工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h330 beng: h335 查看详情
aviation technology with pilot studies and management beng
h461 查看详情
chemical engineering meng, beng
化工meng, beng
meng, beng: h800 beng: h805 查看详情
chemical and energy engineering meng, beng
化工与能源工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h801 beng: h806 查看详情
chemical and materials engineering meng, beng
化学与材料工程meng, beng
meng, beng: hj85 beng: hj90 查看详情
chemical and nuclear engineering meng, beng
化学与核工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h891 beng: h896 查看详情
civil engineering meng, beng
土木工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h204 beng: h203 查看详情
civil engineering with transport beng
h201 查看详情
civil and environmental engineering meng, beng
土木与环境工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h291 beng: h296 查看详情
civil and structural engineering meng, beng
土木与结构工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h200 beng: h205 查看详情
computer science meng, bsc
meng, bsc: g402 bsc: g400 查看详情
computer science (digital & technology solutions) bsc
g404 查看详情
computer science and mathematics msci, bsc
计算机科学与数学msci, BSC
msci, bsc: g4g2 bsc: g4g1 查看详情
computer science with artificial intelligence meng, bsc
计算机科学与人工智能meng, bsc
meng, bsc: g702 bsc: g700 查看详情
computer science with high-performance graphics and games engineering meng, bsc
计算机科学与高性能图形和游戏工程meng, bsc
i6k8 查看详情
electronic and electrical engineering meng, beng
电子电气工程meng, beng
meng, beng: h600 beng: h605 查看详情
materials science and engineering meng, beng
材料科学与工程meng, beng
meng, beng: j511 beng: j510 查看详情
mechanical engineering meng, beng
机械工程 meng, beng
meng, beng: h300 beng: h305 查看详情
mechatronics and robotics meng, beng
机电和机器人meng, beng
meng, beng: hh36 beng: hh41 查看详情
medical engineering meng, beng
医学工程 meng, beng
meng, beng: hhh6 beng: hhh1 查看详情
product design bsc
h795 查看详情
studies in science with foundation year bsc
6h89 查看详情
