课程名称(英文) 课程代码 班课
ancient history ba v111 查看详情
ancient history and english ba v130 查看详情
ancient history and history ba v110 查看详情
ancient history and philosophy ba v150 查看详情
arabic and chinese ba tt61 查看详情
arabic and japanese ba tt62 查看详情
arabic and portuguese ba rt56 查看详情
arabic and russian a ba rt76 查看详情
arabic and russian b ba rtr6 查看详情
arts and humanities with foundation year ba v901 查看详情
asia pacific studies ba t300 查看详情
asia pacific studies and chinese ba tt13 查看详情
asia pacific studies and international relations ba tl32 查看详情
asia pacific studies and japanese ba tt23 查看详情
chinese (modern) ba t100 查看详情
chinese and italian b ba rth1 查看详情
chinese and japanese studies ba tt12 查看详情
chinese and portuguese ba rt51 查看详情
chinese and russian a ba rt71 查看详情
chinese and russian b ba rtr1 查看详情
chinese and thai studies ba tl31 查看详情
classical civilisation ba 8g42 查看详情
classical civilisation and english ba qq83 查看详情
classical civilisation and history ba q810 查看详情
classical civilisation and philosophy ba q805 查看详情
classical literature and english ba qq38 查看详情
classical literature and philosophy ba qv8m 查看详情
economics and history ba vl11 查看详情
english language and linguistics ba q3q1 查看详情
english and comparative literature ba q200 查看详情
english and film studies ba 6t3x 查看详情
english and history ba qv31 查看详情
english and philosophy ba qv35 查看详情
film studies ba p303 查看详情
french ba r120 查看详情
german ba r220 查看详情
italian ba r305 查看详情
italian b and japanese ba rth2 查看详情
italian b and portuguese ba rrh5 查看详情
italian b and russian a ba rr3t 查看详情
japanese ba t210 查看详情
japanese and russian a ba rt72 查看详情
japanese and russian b ba rtr2 查看详情
liberal arts ba y000 查看详情
linguistics and philosophy ba qv15 查看详情
linguistics and phonetics ba q100 查看详情
middle eastern studies and politics ba tlq2 查看详情
modern languages ba r1r1 查看详情
modern languages and business ba n1r1 查看详情
modern languages and economics ba l1r1 查看详情
modern languages and english ba q3r1 查看详情
modern languages and film studies ba p3r1 查看详情
modern languages and history ba v1r1 查看详情
modern languages and international relations ba l5r1 查看详情
modern languages and linguistics ba q1r1 查看详情
modern languages and philosophy ba v5r1 查看详情
modern languages and politics ba l2r1 查看详情
portuguese and russian a ba rr57 查看详情
portuguese and russian b ba rr5r 查看详情
spanish ba r410 查看详情
spanish, portuguese and latin american studies ba rr45 查看详情
thai studies ba t311 查看详情
