课程名称(英文) 课程代码 班课
accounting and finance n400 查看详情
accounting and finance with placement year n401 查看详情
accounting and finance with study abroad year n402 查看详情
business analytics n100 查看详情
business analytics with placement year n101 查看详情
business analytics with study abroad year n110 查看详情
business entrepreneurship n102 查看详情
business entrepreneurship with placement year n103 查看详情
business entrepreneurship with study abroad year n111 查看详情
business management n202 查看详情
business management with placement year n203 查看详情
business management with study abroad year n204 查看详情
economics and accounting nl41 查看详情
economics and business management l112 查看详情
economics and finance l1nh 查看详情
finance and financial technology f99c 查看详情
finance and financial technology with placement year f96c 查看详情
finance and financial technology with study abroad year f95c 查看详情
marketing n501 查看详情
marketing with placement year n500 查看详情
marketing with study abroad year n502 查看详情
mathematics with actuarial science g1n3 查看详情
mathematics with finance g1nh 查看详情
modern languages (french) and business management r1n1 查看详情
modern languages (german) and business management r2n1 查看详情
modern languages (spanish) and business management r4n1 查看详情
music and business management w3n1 查看详情
music and business management with year abroad wn31 查看详情
