英国硕士论文没按时交理由:1 生病 例:I've come down with a sickness and I'm stuck in bed.我已经病倒在床上。
英国硕士论文没按时交理由:2 网络故障 I'm having network issues. Here's a screenshot of the issue.我的网络出了点问题,下面是这个问题的截图。
英国硕士论文没按时交理由:3 抑郁 I'm suffering from an episode of anxiety/depression. I've booked a doctor' s appointment asap.我患有焦虑症/抑郁症。我已经尽快预约了医生。
英国硕士论文没按时交理由:4 亲人生病/去世 There was a death in the family.
英国硕士论文没按时交理由:5 个人情况 I'm experiencing financial hardship./I have housing/ residency issue...我遇到经济问题/我无家可归。